how to cook pho by loan
I am very happy to tell about how to cook pho. There are many steps. First, you have to put 5 kg beef bone in 20 liters water. You cook it about 3 hours. Next, you boil pho and slice the beef. Second you prepare a big bowl. This bowl must boil hot water. Next, you put the pho, sliced beef and onion in the bowl. Finally, you pour water in the bowl. We are very proud of this food because it is through by many to be traditionally Vietnamese
Hi Loan, It's see very well the Pho...I can eat in dinner? Sergio
By CESL, at 8:25 PM
Hi Loan
can I put the meat in Pho?
by jumanah
By CESL, at 9:25 AM
Hi Loan. This looks delicious! I know I ate pho in California. Yummy!
By CESL, at 10:38 AM
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